Sequoia ForestKeeper – Guardian of the Giants and Leaving a Legacy

At Sequoia ForestKeeper our commitment to being guardians of the forest is forever. With your legacy financial support, we can continue being your Eyes, Ears, and Voice of the forest.

Sequoia ForestKeeper’s mission is to protect and restore the ecosystems of the southern Sierra Nevada – including both the Sequoia National Forest and the Giant Sequoia National Monument – through monitoring, enforcement, education, and litigation.

By acting as the Eyes, Ears, and Voice of the forest, SFK seeks to improve land management practices, to promote land stewardship, to enforce existing laws and regulations, to implement public awareness programs, and to offer assistance to local land management agencies.

Please leave a legacy of being a Guardian of the Giants by remembering Sequoia ForestKeeper in your will. Your gift will be used to work to transfer the Giant Sequoia National Monument into the National Park Service, to continue research on best management practices, and to continue to monitor and act when the Forest Service and other agencies work against protecting the legacy of this region’s amazing biodiversity. To do this here are the steps.

Remember to use Sequoia ForestKeeper's full legal name and address in your gift document and to designate Sequoia ForestKeeper as the beneficiary:

Sequoia ForestKeeper

EIN: 91-2154817
PO Box 836
Weldon, CA 93283-0836

If you have named Sequoia ForestKeeper as a beneficiary of a retirement account or life insurance policy, be sure to include the following number when asked for the beneficiary's social security number or tax ID number: 91-2154817

Make sure your wishes are carried out by stating this language in your will or other applicable document.

I bequeath #_________________ ( or _______% of my residuary estate) to the Sequoia ForestKeeper, a nonprofit public benefit organization, EIN: 91-2154817, located at PO Box 836, Weldon, CA 93283-0836. This bequest shall be applied to Sequoia ForestKeeper in the State of California.



Guardian of the Giants: A Legacy of Support for Sequoia ForestKeeper

Including Sequoia ForestKeeper in your will is the ultimate support for protecting the forests and watershed of the southern Sierra Nevada. Your legacy will help to ensure that Sequoia ForestKeeper continues to be a viable and effect force for the protection of this unique and imperiled ecosystem.

There are several ways in which Sequoia ForestKeeper can be included in your estate as a charitable bequest. The more common ways are to insert one or more of the following into your will:

1. A specific or explicit bequest for a stated dollar amount or securities:

“I give, devise and bequeath to Sequoia ForestKeeper, EIN: 91-2154817, PO Box 836, Weldon, CA 93283-0836, the sum of $_________(or describe the specific security you intend to bequeath).”

2. A percentage bequest allocating a fixed percentage of your estate:

“I give, devise and bequeath to Sequoia ForestKeeper, EIN: 91-2154817, PO Box 836, Weldon, CA 93283-0836, , _________ percent of my estate, both real and personal property, of whatever kind and wheresoever situated.”

3. A residual bequest, which grants the residue, or portion, of your estate to Sequoia ForestKeeper after explicit bequests have been made:

“I give, devise and bequeath to Sequoia ForestKeeper, EIN: 91-2154817, PO Box 836, Weldon, CA 93283-0836, all (or _______ %) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal property, of whatever kind and wheresoever situated.”

4. A contingent bequest in case one or more of your bequests cannot be filled:

“If any of the above named beneficiaries should predecease me, I hereby bequest his/her share of my estate to Sequoia ForestKeeper, PO Box 836, Weldon, CA 93283-0836, to be used for funding programs in protection of the lands in the southern Sierra Nevada including but not limited to the Giant Sequoia National Monument and Sequoia National Forest.”

Sequoia ForestKeeper is a nonprofit public benefit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Tax ID number: 91-2154817

Please seek the advice of a professional estate planner to ensure that your interests are appropriately served.

Sequoia ForestKeeper

P.O. Box 836

Weldon, CA 93283

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